Zug um Zug Deutschland
Yet another country edition of Ticket to Ride, this time Germany. The game follows the usual rules: You score for track between two towns and track built according to destination cards, get a bonus for most completed destination cards and deduct the value of destination cards not completed. In you turn you can take car cards, use track, that is, place cards on the board, or draw new destination cards. In this edition some destination cards take you to neighboring countries, where tracks end, you cannot connect towns across another country. Tunnels, stations and passengers are not featured in this edition.
Placement game with a railway topic, for 2-5 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Days of Wonder 2012
Designer: Alan R. Moon
Web: www.daysofwonder.fr
Stock#: 720315
Users: For families
Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no