Small World Underground


Smallworld simulates the rise and fall of civilizations in a fantasy land. The land is too small to accommodate them all and you must enlarge your own realm, conquer neighboring regions and stash coins for victory. In round 1 you choose a combination of race and special ability, conquer regions and receive victory coins. In the following rounds you enlarge the area of your influence by conquering or you allow your race to disappear and choose a new one, both earn you victory points. If you have most of these coins at the end of the game, you win. Several expansions for the game are available.

Small World Underground is a stand-alone game featuring new races and special abilities, supplemented by monsters who protect regions with Powerful Honorable Antiquities and Favorite Locations. This edition can be combined with the original Small World or played alone, it is recommended for experienced Small World players.


Version                           : de

Rules                              : de

In-game use of language   : yes


Game of development for 2-5 players, ages 8 and up * Designer: Philippe Keyaerts * Grafik: Miguel Coimbra * 7939, Days of Wonder, Frankreich, 2011 *** Days of Wonder *