

Codenames Duett

Guessing with partners


Words representing codenames for agents need to be guessed with a partner!

25 cards carrying codenames/words for agents, e.g. Blitz/Flash or Teufel/Devil or Qualle/Jellyfish, are arranged in a 5x5 grid. A key card in a holder shows this grid with nine green cases to each player - the words in those green positions must be correctly guessed by the other player. Both players alternate to give clues of one word and a number for the words which the clue relates to - you could say “2 Pain” for “Blitz/Flash and Qualle/Jellyfish. You cannot use parts of the codenames for clues, but you can say „2 Cappuccino“ for Zucker/Sugar and Kaffee/Coffee. The partner touches the codenames in the grid which he thinks are fitting the clue. In case of a correct guess he take another guess.  If he touches a neutral position in the grid, the turn ends; you can also end the turn by taking a time marker. Correctly touched cards are covered with a green agent card, neutral cards with a time marker. If the card in the Assassin position is touched, the game is lost for both players.

When all time markers have been used and there are words left over to guess, the Sudden Death turn begins; both alternate to touch cards without new clues, a mistake means loss of the game, even if a neutral card is touched. When the partners manage to find 15 codenames in nine rounds, they win together. Mission cards vary the number of rounds and number of neutral agents. Can also be played in teams.

Duett is a very nice version of the Game of the Year 2016, mission cards and time markers introduce a complete new flair to the game.


Players: 2-4

Age: 11+

Time: 15+

Designer: Vlaada Chvátil

Artist: Tomas Kucerovsky, Frantisek Horálek, Filip Murmak

Price: ca. 23 Euro

Publisher: Czech Games Edition 2017


Genre: cooperative word guessing

Users: With friends

Version: de

Rules: bl cz de en fr it pl ro ru sk

In-game text: ja



Attractive variant

Difficulty can be varied via time markers

Mission cards vary time markers and word quantities


Compares to:

All editions of Codenames


Other editions:

Fantasmagoria (bl), Czech Games (cz, en, sk), White Goblin (nl), Iello (fr), Cranio Creations (it), Rebel (pl), Lex Games (ro), Gaga Games (ru)


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 3

Knowledge (yellow): 3

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 3

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0