And yet another small idyllic island paradise shaded by palm trees must be developed and expanded, because tourists have discovered it – so the road to a resort is started with the construction of chalets and attractions. Tourists in their turn bring money which you can reinvest into the resort and this then in turn earns you a high rating in tourist guides. The season on the island takes 8 week and in each week the same phases are implemented – you work, the backpack tourists appear and tourists pay for their stay, and the week is over!
In the phase „Working“ you choose an action for each member of the family that is at home and then executes them: You build bungalows, pick up tourists or book tourists, set up an attraction or set up a sign. Each action takes time, some of them cost money. The backpack tourist wanders around the islands for a distance equal to the amount of money owned be the poorest player who owns money. Depending on the location of the backpack tourist books his stay or stays. Then tourists in bungalows yield income including bonuses for attractions.
At the end of the week the boat of the week is removed, family members absent due to work done advance by one time zone, family members in other boats busy with bookings remain on these boats. In week 8 only work and backpack tourists are implemented, and then the resort is evaluated: 1 victory points per tourist, sign and number of empty land and sea areas and the victory points from attractions.
Nice, rather realistically, without and factor of chance, the only thing necessary is dexterous management of money and family members.
Age: 10+
Time: 60+
Designer: Corné van Moorsel
Artist: Christoph Tisch
Price: ca. 30 Euro
Publisher: Cwali 2010
Genre: Worker placement game
Users: With friends
Version: multi
Rules: de en fr nl
In-game text: no
Without any element of chance * pure worker placement game * an extremely good method for money administration is necessary
Compares to:
Hotel Samoa
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 0
Tactic (turquoise): 2
Strategy (blue): 3
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 1
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0