

Musicians are meant to perform in concerts; each player leads an agency, engages musicians and gives them contracts. Performances earn points, remaining musicians score penalties.

Maestros are on slot 10, musicians and applause are in a bag. In your turn you can place musicians and must then draw 1-3 musicians and place them on your agency; the maestro begins the display, then you place musicians without gaps, into one row per turn, using musicians from your own agency or from the top rows of other players; relocation is not possible. Applause is placed on the bottom longest row. If you complete a row, you receive the critic. For each newly placed musician you receive 5 points, for a row completed in one go you earn 10 per musician and the critic earns you 10 at the start of a round. The last applause ends the game, and you win with most points.


Selection list Spiel des Jahres 1989


Position game on music agencies for 2.4 players, ages 8+



Publisher: Casper / Target Games 1990

Designer: Rudi Hoffmann

Art: Rudi Hoffmann

Stock #: 001-4050


Users: For families


Version: se * Rules: de se * In-game text: no