Mix it! Monster Edition
Mix It! Picks up the mechanism of splitting people into parts, used in MixMax or Monster-Mix, here you need to assemble monsters according to your template card.
You are dealt such a secret template and three cards with monster parts, the rest of the parts is stacked face-down and two of those cards are set out openly to begin the two monsters. The active player can place a card from his hand and draw a card, can shift a card from one monster to the other or - once in the game - change his template card. When your template monster is ´formed on the table, regardless by whose card, you call “Monster”, turn over the template to the cookie side and draw a new template. Whoever is first to have three cookies, wins.
Placement game for 2-6 players, ages 5+
Publisher: Brain Picnic 2015
Designer: Manu Palau
Artist: Manu Palau
Web: www.brainpicnic.com
Stock#: MIX001
Users: For children
Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it pt * In-game text: no