110 cards carry icons, from shopping card to pirate flag symbol, all offering multiple interpretations. Players hold cards, one player - the judge - raises an issue, for instance “How do I feel if I drop my phone into the loo?” Players answer with one face-down card from their hand which they think represents the emotion best. The judge shuffles the face-down card, reveals and reads them and selects the one he likes best. The player whose card it is, keeps it for a victory point. All other players but the judge draw a card, played cards are set aside. Whoever is first to collect three victory points, wins.
Card game on emotions for 3-10 players, ages7+
Publisher: Brain Picnic 2015
Designer: Manu Palau
Art: Manu Palau
Web: www.brainpicnic.com
Stock #: IKON001
Users: For families
Special: Many players
Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it pt + cn pl * In-game text: no