Mission zum Mars 2049
Mars is being colonized and you race to the planet’s North Pole. You begin with a station outside the board, build basis by basis to reach the North Pole and build a road across the polar ice. If you are first to build the water extraction plant in the middle of the board, you win. Resources are air, food and minerals, won by building resources stations. If you roll such a station symbol you receive a card for each station of that resource that you built. Mission cards can be peaceful or aggressive.
Placement and collecting game on majorities for 2-4 players, ages 7+
Publisher: Black ‘n‘ White Games 2016
Designer: Dagnis Skurbe
Art: Dagnis Skurbe
Web: -
Stock #: 66136
Users: For families
Version: de * Rules: de en pl pt * In-game text: yes