Ted Alspach's Outer Space & Reversteam

Age of Steam & Steam Expansion


Two maps, no components, rules in English

The basic rules of Steam & Age of Steam apply; core games are necessary for playing

Outer Space: Three cubes in each Star system (City). All tiles are basic track costs. No track building on worm holes; track to and from the edge of a wormhole is one link each. Wormhole transport only usable once per delivery.

Reverstream: Uses US map with distorted geography. Delivery is to first city on the route with a color different from that of the cube; you cannot deliver colored cubes to black or gray cities.


Expansion for Age of Steam & Steam for 3-6  players, no age given


Publisher: Bézier Games 2011

Designer: Ted Alspach

Web: www.beziergames.com

Stock #: 01147 7


Users: For experts


Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: no