Ted Alspach's Atlantis & Trisland

Age of Steam & Steam Expansion


Two maps, no components, rules in English

The basic rules of Steam & Age of Steam apply; core games are necessary for playing

Atlantis: 3-6 players. Production of cubes in Atlantia, no delivery to Atlantia; when crossed, Atlantia is a single colorless city. At the end of each turn, one random cube per player is placed in Atlantia. Urbanization/City Growth gives you two random cubes on any city but Atlantia. Building allows up to four tracks, Engineer Action reduces building cost to half, rounded down.

Trisland: 3 players. Trisland is symmetrical with identical condition for all players. Different set-ups for use with Age of Steam and Steam. Game duration = 8 rounds. Three central Mountain track building costs = 6$. You must select one token over a free action for the action, which must be resolved if possible, even Engineering with building four or as many track that you can pay for, up to four.


Expansion for Age of Steam & Steam for 3-6 players, no age given


Publisher: Bézier Games 2010

Designer: Ted Alspach

Web: www.beziergames.com

Stock #: 00984 0


Users: For experts


Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: no