

Alter                    4

Spezial                 1





Tangram is a century-old placement games using geometrical shapes, in a standard Tangram it’s always 7 shapes that can be cut out of a square – 5 triangles of varying sizes, a square and a diamond-shape or rhomb. Using these shapes you can lay out literally thousands of different shapes and forms, abstract and figurative ones.

In this Tangram version for children not all of the 7 shapes are used in each image, but the 15 image cards leave room to fit in either 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 parts. The number of parts needed is noted on the cards and you do not always see immediately which shapes will be needed, after all combined shapes are the basic principle of Tangram.

Not mentioned in the rules, but maybe interesting for elder children – if you turn over the image cards, you only see the shapes and if you then use the white set of pieces you have a uniform area in case of all spaces filled.

The game can also be used as invitation to try on your own what a lot of shapes are hidden in the tangram parts, maybe the child even manage to arrange the pieces into the original square after having played all 15 cards.

Another good exercise before playing is to use the image card to really „see“ what the missing shapes are making up – in some cases not easy, but it can always be managed. May you can try, when you have recognized the hare in the picture and have filled him in, to form another different hare from the parts.

In this version of Tangram the most simple means provide means provide a multitude of training and playing possibilities using basic geometric shapes and their possibilities for combinations.


Spieler         : 1

Alter            : ages 4 and up

Dauer           : variabel


Autor           : nicht genannt

Grafik          : Vera Brüggemann, Almut Wagner

Titel englisch          : ident

Preis            : ca. 22,00 Euro

Verlag          : Beleduc 2010



Genre                    : Placement game

Zielgruppe             : For children

Mechanismen         : Fit geometrical forms together



Most simple means

A lot of ways to play and learn

Can be used without support of images



Tangram and other placement games with shapes






Wissen_              3




Geschicklichkeit  3
