Pearl or shark?
Anne and Maik are picking up the pearls from Grandma’s torn necklace and Grandma tells them an exciting story about pearl divers, whales and sharks; then the children can play out the story:
Pearls must be found and loaded into the boat, whale and shark help or hinder. The whale is laid out in the middle of the board, the shell pieces are distributed shell side up, around the whale with enough space between them. Each player is given a boat. First, you toss up the whale lightly and it lands either showing its black or its white side and is placed back into the middle like this. Then the active player turns over a shell piece by lightly tapping it with the little hammer. When the piece turns over and shows a pearl that has the same color as the whale is currently showing all players may try to grab the whale. If you get the whale you place the pearl into your boat. If the shell piece turns up a shark you the active player must put back a pearl as a shell into the sea. If you react wrongly you also must put back a pearl. If you have no pearl yet you must miss a turn instead. Then the next player is given the hammer, throws the whale and turns over a shell .. and so on. The first player who has collected four pearls in his boat wins the game.
In other variants of the game you replace the shells to other location in the sea or try to turn over the shells by snipping them.
Sounds like a beautiful game? It is a beautiful game, even very beautiful, and as a side effect it trains dexterity, reaction, memory, hand-eye-coordination and more, just while playing. But first and foremost, it is fun to turn up the pearls!
Players: 2-4
Age: 4+
Time: 15+
Designer: Roberto Fraga
Artist: Oliver Freudenreich
Price: ca. 30 Euro
Publisher: Beleduc 2011
Genre: Reaction game
Users: For children
Version: multi
Rules: cn de en es fr it nl
In-game text: nein
Very attractive topic
Pretty components
Variable levels of difficulty
Trains hand-eye coordination, reaction and memory
Compares to:
All reaction games
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 1
Tactic (turquoise): 0
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 0
Dexterity (green): 2
Action (dark green): 2