Castello del Drago


Six dragons want to attack the castle, the danger is biggest when all six dragons are directly in front of the castle. All brave knights work together to defeat the dragons. Castle and bridge are set up and dragons and knights put into their starting positions. In his turn a player rolls both dice. For a colour a corresponding knight is put on the castle or moved on around the castle elements. For the dragon a dragon is positioned. For the colour white any knight can be moved. When two knights of the same colour meet on a castle part, the are placed on the counter part of the rolling ramp so that the cannonball advances nearer to the top. When the sixth pair is fixed to the counter part the cannonball rolls down the ramp, overthrows the dragons and all players have won together. When six dragons are before the castle and at the end of the round the cannonball has not rolled the dragons have won.


Cooperative dice game * 2-4 players from age 5 * Designer: Barbara Schyns * Graphics: Antje Flad * ca. 15 minutes * 22385, Beleduc, Germany, 2006 ***  Beleduc Lernspielwaren GmbH *