Äffchen platsch!


The little monkeys jump along the hippos in the river to reach the tree at the other bank. Hippo tiles are laid out face-down, monkeys assemble at the start. You roll a die and move one of your monkeys accordingly and turn up the tile you arrived on – if there is only water on the tile, the hippo has gone underwater and the monkey needs to return to start to dry off; other tiles are implemented – move the indicated number of tiles forwards or backwards, swap monkey positions etc. If all your monkeys are assembled on the tree first, you win.


Roll & move and memo game for 2-4 players, ages 4+


Publisher: Auzou  / Huch! 2024

Distribution: Hutter Trade

License: Auzou © 2024

Designer: Thomas Favreière

Art: Coralie Vallageas

Web: www.hutter-trade-com

Stock #: 405118


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de en es fr it pt * In-game text: no