In this revised new edition Fief is still a game on conquest and diplomacy; players embody noble families rivaling for dominance in the realm. You start with a lord, one castle and some troops in a village. You play rounds comprising several phases, which are always completed by all players before the next one starts. You will be hard put to win alone, you will have to negotiate, make contracts and form alliances through marriage; but you can only demand private negotiations with players of your choice three times during a game.
In each round you draw cards and then play cards and implement the effects of those cards; then you cash income and bonuses and use them to buy more troops and buildings. Then a lord moves, and he can take his troops along; troops cannot move without their lord. This is followed by resolving conflicts which are decided by the greater value of troop strength plus the result of a die roll. Castles and cities give a defense bonus. When a lord controls all villages in a fief you can try to take control of the fief; you can then only lose it when the capital of the fief is attacked or the lord dies without an heir.
By voting the positions of Bishop, King and Pope are assigned; those titles earn you advantages and victory points, as do fiefs which you control. You win alone with three victory points or - in a game of four - also as member of an alliance, with four victory points.
Asyncron must be complimented on this felicitous revision of a game classic which still delivers an amazing mix of negotiation, economics and military aggression, a real must for experienced players.
Players: 3-6
Age: 12+
Time: 120+
Designer: Philippe Mouchebeuf
Art: Patrick Dallanegra
Price: ca. 50 Euro
Publisher: Asyncron Games 2011
Genre: Development game
Users: For experts
Version: fr
Rules: en fr
In-game text: yes
New edition of Fief, International Team
Massively revised rules
Possibilities for shorter Games
Flair and fun in playing have been retained
Compares to:
Fief, International Team, Blood Royal
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 1
Tactic (turquoise): 3
Strategy (blue): 3
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 3
Interaction (brown): 3
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0