Shuffle Das Spiel des Lebens


Card game with App, based on a game by Hasbro. 40 Career cards, 12 homeowner cards and 3 joker cards are shuffled and you are dealt 7/8/10 cards, the rest is draw pile and one card begins the discard pile. The active player draws a card from one of the stacks, can put down sets or rows of cards and add cards to sets or rows of other players. Finally, you discard a card. If you have no cards in hand, you win the round and score 20 points + all points on cards remaining in other players’ hands- If you reach or top 10 points, you win the game.


Set collecting game with app for 2-4 players, ages 7+


Publisher: ASS Altenburger 2015


Stock #:


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no