

In this party game on creativity and communication you play in teams and score points in action rounds. Task categories are: Word games, Creative Games and Pantomime. One member of a team draws a selection card for the category, there are three levels of difficulty for tasks and you score for each task completed within the time frame: One point for Malspaß, Erklärbar or Pantomime/Begriffe; two points for Tirili, Stadt-Name-Land or Pantomime/Wortgruppen and three points for Wer bin ich, Pssst or Pantomime/Redewendung.


Creative and communications game for 2-6 players, ages 6+


Publisher: ASS Altenburger 2013

Designer: not named

Art: not named


Stock#: 225 09613


Users: For families

Age: 6


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes