Collect as many chicken, hay bales and carriage wheels without letting the bar topple. At the start, you place all pieces on the platform, in any arrangement, and then balance the platform on the base. Players alternate to take a piece off the platform = roost. If you notice wobbling to begin, you may change your mind about the piece to take. When all pieces have been collected or the roost topples, you score 3 points for big chickens, 2 points for small ones, 3 points for hay bales and 1 point for wheels. Whoever caused the toppling, deducts 5 points. Version: You win, if you take the last piece and the roost has not toppled.
Balance game for 2-4 players, ages 4+
Publisher: Blue Orange / Asmodee 2017
Designer: Thierry Denoual
Artist: not named
Stock#: BL00003
Users: For children
Version: de * Rules: de en es * In-game text: no