


Spezial                 vi


Buzz it!

Animals often run over, starting with Z


Buzz it, a new game in the series of Games in a Sack. Each card in the game suggests two different topics, one is a so called „normal“ one, the other is a so called „wicked“ one. The wicked ones can be funny, embarrassing or simply eccentric, the normal ones are rather knowledge-based or fit for daily life. For each player in the game you draw three cards from the stack, shuffled and set out for use. One player is named Buzz-Master of the round, He draws the top card from the prepared stack and decides on one topic depending on his mood or the mixture of the group. He reads out the chosen topic and presses the buzzer to start the round. His left neighbor must give a correct answer, if he can do so the Buzz-Master presses the buzzer button and game passes to the next player. If you do answer in time you trigger the buzzer and you receive the card. When all prepared cards have been played the player with the fewest cards wins the game.

The Buzz-Master decides whether an answer is correct or not, he can also announce limitations for the answer, for instance „no answers that relate to TV shows“ or demand that answers start with a certain letter. “Normal” topics on the card could be “What would you by first if you win at Lotto” or “Good intentions for the New Year”, wicked ones could be “What you catch when on holiday” or “locations unfit for a bout of dysentery.

This is real fun, works well in groups that know each other and in randomly assembled groups. The Buzz-Master has a lot of responsibility for the game – when in doubt be generous and accept creative over correct.


Spieler         : 3-12

Alter            : ages 12 and up

Dauer           : ca. 45 min


Autor           : Reiner Knizia, René Jacques Mayer, Patrick Scharnitzky

Grafik          : not cited

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 20,00 Euro

Verlag          : Asmodee 2010



Genre                    : Game of knowledge for parties

Zielgruppe             : With friends

Mechanismen         : Answer questions, solve tasks



Series „Game in a Sack“

Funny version of association and quiz mechanisms

A normal and a wicked question on each card



Other quiz and party games with a time limit for the answer or with a buzzer





Kreativität           3

Wissen_               3


Kommunikation   3


