

Colored pieces need to be aligned in five rows, five in a row, each color only once per row. At the start, five pieces of one color are placed in triangles in the middle. You roll two dice and either move one piece per die result or add/subtract the dice results and move one piece for the result. When a piece moves onto an occupied slot, the piece already there is pushed forward one slot, chain pushes are possible. You can jump over occupied slots. There is a special rule for competitive play.

Reihe kooperativer Spiele, 3.edition, first edition 1982


Abstract placement and group-forming game for 2-6 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Arbeitsstelle neues Spielen 1984

Designer: Hajo Bücken

Art: not named


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no