More than 100 dice for a party game played over three different regions on the board: Quizville, Knobelfeld and Actionland. You take a card from the region where your marker is standing and try to complete the task. If you succeed, you move your marker forward, if not, you remain put or move backwards. In Quizville the color die determines the question; in the Knobelfeld you must roll dice on demand with additional tasks, maybe name terms starting with a letter you rolled; and Actionland can bring you anything from drawing something to constructing a dice stack. If you are first to complete a master task in the finish area, you win.


Party game with dice for 2-6 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Amigo Spiele

Designer: The Haywire Group

Art: The Haywire Group

Web: www.amigo-spiele.de

Stock#: 02320


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes