The Academy
At the Academy you show your abilities not only inCryptobiuology or Cult Art, but also in executing various roles; in each round, you take on another role: Captain, Teamplayer, Mastermind or Rebel; the Captain dominates and hopes for support from the Teamplayer; Mastermind makes their own rules and Rebel has their own goals. After complex preparations you have eight cards in hand, Mastermind also holds four chec cards and selects one for either trump color or rule of the round; the other three go to the teamplayer who selects what Mastermind did not, trump color or rule of the round. Then eight tricks are played, one card from hand per trick, you can use the rule of the round. If you met the round goal for your role after eight tricks, you receive a reward. You win at the end of a round with three awards and the purple 7 in a trick you won.
Card shedding game for 3-6 players, ages 8+