Mein erstes Bohnanza


Variant of Baohnanza for children - you play with selected bean types, the rest is used for talers. Cards are not in hand, but on the table, and basically you plant, trade and harvest as in Bohnanza, but you may mix bean types on a field - “Across bean fields” rule - and must instantly harvest when the necessary number of beans to earn one taler is on display in an uninterrupted line. Comes with a variant for more experienced players that leaves out the mixing of bean types on fields and uses three bean fields.


Card game for 3-5 players, ages 4+


Publisher: Amigo Spiele 2015

Designer: Heike Kiefer, Hayo Siemsen, Uwe Rosenberg

Artist: Björn Pertoft


Stock#: 05760


Users: For children

Age: 4


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no