You lay down three cards face-down, and three of six cards face-up on those three cards, the rest are your cards-in-hand. In turn you discard one or several identical cards or you must pick up the discard pile, unless you play a Karma card, for actions or rule changes. You can only discard cards that are of equal or higher value than the top card on the discard pile. You can only play cards from the table when your hand and the draw pile are empty. Face-down table cards go directly to the discard pile, with all consequences. If you are last to have cards in front of yourself, you are the only loser.
Card game for 2-6 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Amigo Spiele 2015
Designer: Marsha J. Falco
Web: www.amigo-spiele.de
Stock#: 05703
Users: For families
Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no