

Alter                    8

Spezial                 vi



silence for red! And for the lion?


Kakadoo is part of the new Fun series from Amigo. It is card discarding game where noise and turbulence are guaranteed, because if you play a card you must make the corresponding noises, unless …

But let’s start at the beginning. You are dealt 8 cards. In your turn you play a minimum of one card, either of the same color or the same animal as shown on the top card of the discard pile. If you play several cards you must play all of one kind. Different colors are possible, but you must make the correct noise for each card. Noises are simple, always the usual ones for an animal, a Moo for the bull, Baa for the goat and so on, but take care when a fish or a lion or a red card appear! If you play a lion you must greet him with “Hallo, Your Majesty”, but when the lion is a red one you must get up from your chair as well. All other red animals do not like noises, you must remain silent when playing them. Fishes can be used for all colors and have no special, you can play any card following a fish. If you discard a donkey you start a donkey round – all players must play a donkey, if you cannot do so you draw a card, as you do anytime if you do not have a correct card to play. The cockatoo causes the next player to lose his turn.

If you make a mistake you draw 4 cards from the pile. If you manage to have only one card left you must announce this with “last card”. Mistakes must be claimed by other players for you to incur the four-card penalty.

Fast, funny, always good, and nicely revised, illustrated and packed! Kakadoo absolutely fits the series motto, a Fun Game.


Spieler         : 2-10

Alter            : ages 8 and up

Dauer           : ca. 20 min


Autor           : Haim Shafir

Grafik          : Andreas Besser

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 8,00 Euro

Verlag          : Amigo 2011



Genre                    : Party and reaction game

Zielgruppe             : For families

Mechanismen         : React correctly to animal cards



Revised new edition of Cocotaki

Part of the new Fun Series

Simple set of rules



Cokotaki and other reaction games


Zufall                            1





Gedächtnis          2


Interaktion                   1


Action                  3