Hippo Hopp
During the day the hippos do not mind birds hopping along their backs looking for worms and beetles, but in the evening they want to be left alone. 9 hippos are stacked for a draw pile, 19 are laid out in a circle. At first with numbers up, all try to remember them, then the cards are turned over and the bird sits on any card. In your turn you either turn up a card in the circle or use the penalty card of another player to move the bird as many steps as the card you are using indicates. If you end on a face-down hippo you score 1 point for each open-faced hippo that you crossed, if you used a penalty card 3 points are the maximum. If the birds ends on an open-faced hippo, you receive this card for a penalty, and open cards in the circle of values equal to or lower than the number on the penalty card are turned back face-down. The gap is filled with a card from the draw-pile. When the draw-pile is empty and one penalty card has been taken afterwards, all discard 2 points for each penalty card they hold and then you win with most points.
Card game * 2-4 players, ages 8+ * Designer: Peter Steinert * Art: Björn Pertoft * ca. 15 min * 01980, Amigo, 2011 *** Amigo Spiel + Freizeit GmbH * www.amigo-spiele.de