Heimlich & Co


Each player only knows his agent ant tries to keep his identity secret. The active player rolls the die and moves a minimum of one agent. If he moves a agent to the safe, a scoring takes place. Each agent receives information in the form of scoring points according to the number of the building next to him, in the ruins he looses points. After the scoring the safe is moved. If an agent reaches the start/finish again, the game ends and the player owning this agent wins the game.


Advanced rules: There is a top secret round after the agent movement, which can be left out to receive a new top secret card. After rolling the die players are asked if they want a top secret round, if yes, top secret cards are played and acted upon.


New edition, Spiel des Jahres 1986 with Ravensburger.


Detective game * 2-7 players from age 8 * Designer: Wolfgang Kramer * 1360, Amigo, Germany, 2001 *** AMIGO  Spiel + Freizeit GmbH * www.amigo-spiele.de * info@amigo-spiele.de