Das Politiker Doppelkopf


General parliamentary elections in Germany, which are of course posing some questions - Who holds the best cards? Who can trick the opponent? Who can trump others? With this special deck of cards you might not be able to answer those questions, but you can smile at the nice caricature images; the politicians have been assigned to card values with a twinkle - Queens are Merkel, Künast, Wowereit und Westerwelle, Steinbrück, Brüderle, Seehofer and Trittin are Kings to Wolfgang Schäuble or Philipp Rösler as Jacks.


Card game for 4 or more players, ages 8+


Publisher: Amigo Spiele 2013

Art: Christian Fiore Büro für Gestaltung

Web: www.amigo-spiele.de

Stock #: 03130


Users: For families

Age: 8


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no