Burger Slam


60 ingredient cards show cheese, patty, tomato and salad in varying combinations; they are distributed evenly and stacked face-down with each player. In turn you reveal your top card and put it on the plate. If someone believes that a Standard Burger – minimum two ingredients of each type on the plate – or a Big Burger – seven or more ingredients of one kind – is complete, you grab the burger bun, place it on the stack and announce the type of the completed burger. Other players can believe you, or doubt. If someone doubts, the stack is checked – whoever is right, takes the cards from the plate and two cards from the other player. If someone is out of cards at the end of a round, the game ands and you win with most cards in your stack.


Memo and reaction game for 2-5 players, ags 8+


Publisher: Amigo Spiele 2024

Designer: Christoph Behre

Art: Bernhard Speh

Web: www.amigo-spiele.de

Stock #:  02453


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: nein