´Twixt heaven and earth
Yet another expansion for Bohnanza, published first in 2009 as a Fair give-away and now re-published; Bohnedikt needs Bohnanza to play.
Bohnedikt introduces new special bean fields on the new bean field mats as well as Offering cards and a new bean variety Bohnedikt with divine instructions; Bohnedikts are bean cards of a new variety and at the same time edicts that vary the trade phase of the game.
Players receive bean cards for their hand, a bean field mat with one Klostergarten (Monastery garden) and one Gottesacker (Bohn Yard) and an Offering card that is put at the back of your hand - as in any Bohnanza game you cannot change the order of cards in your hand.
Bohnedikts have no beanometers, but edicts = instructions and can only be planted in the monastery garden as a joker for the bean type planted there. The become an edict when revealed at the start of the Trade phase; as the active player, you read them and apply them to your trade activities and you can trade them or give them away like any other bean type, gifts are treated as 1:0 or 0:1 trades. An Offering card can be played at any time from any position in your hand, if you own the bean types indicated on it, be it in any position in your hand, revealed in the trade phase or traded in the trade phase. You plant it on the Bohn Yard, regardless of the type planted there and need not harvest the Bohn Yard. When harvesting, you use the beanometer of the card revealed last.
A sophisticated, cute and witty variation of the basic rules, well-working and unusual, especially mixed planting on the Bohn Yard. Rich harvest for Bohnanza players!
Players: 3-5
Age: 12+
Time: 45+
Designer: Jochen Balzer, Uwe Rosenberg
Artist: Björn Pertoft
Price: ca. 8 Euro
Publisher: Amigo Spiele 2016
Genre: Cards, trade
Users: With friends
Version: de
Rules: de en
In-game text: yes
New edition, first edition Lookout Games 2009
Needs Bohnanza to play
Two new Bean Field types
Mixed planting is possible
Compares to:
Bohnedikt, Lookout Games, und all other editions of Bohnanza
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 3
Tactic (turquoise): 2
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 2
Interaction (brown): 3
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0