Die Händler
von Genua
Traders of
and Squares in Genua offer orders, wares or other advantages. The active player
rolls the die to determine of the squares and then puts a pile of 5 stones in
that spot. These stones are then laid out in a line, each piece representing an
action. The active player may only do one of these, the others he needs to
trade off to the other players – negotiations may involve all elements of play,
not only money. The players face the continuous dilemma of trying to get the
best possible price without demanding too much or giving too much of an
advantage to the other player. Who can find the best middle course between
greed and tactic will be the richest player and will win.
Negotiation game * 2-5 players from age 12 * Autor: Rüdiger Dorn * 26 905 1, alea, Deutschland, 2001 * ca. 60 min * ca. 16,35 € *** alea * Postfach 1150 * Steinbichlweg 1 * D-83233 Bernau am Chiemsee * Fon +49 – 8051-970721 * Fax +49-8051-970722