

Alter                    7




Checking for SPots


The cards in this game all show either three concentric circles or three concentric squares in different colors and sizes. These are either situated in the middle of the card or to one side of the card. A SPOT is formed when you can combine exactly 3 cards to form a motive in one color. Players try to find as many spots as possible to collect the majority of the cards.

You shift all 65 cards and distribute them evenly among the players, who must stack them face-down. When cards are left over, they are stacked for a face-down discard pile outside the game. All players turn up the top card of their stack on command and place them as a joint display in the middle of the table. All players now simultaneously look for a spot. For instance, take centrally located circles – you need to find three cards where the yellow circle is at the outside on one card, is the middle circle on a second card and forms the middle of the circle on the third card. If you find a spot you call “Spot”, show the cards making up the spot and take two of them for victory points. You are now prohibited to call SPOT in this round. If you make a mistake you must discard one victory point. If you cannot make up the spot because some cards were just removed for another spot, you do not incur a penalty. If you use a distortion card, a spot consists of 4 cards, the arrangement of the motives is of no importance. Younger players do not use distortion cards and only need to cards to make up a spot.

A seemingly simple game with a simple mechanism, some players master this immediately, others not at all!


Spieler         : 2-6

Alter            : ages 5/7 and up

Dauer           : ca. 20 min


Autor           : Jörg Domberger

Grafik          : Dennis Lohausen, Mira Lob

Titel             : identisch

Preis            : ca. 9,00 Euro

Verlag          : Adlung Spiele 2010



Genre                    : Card game

Zielgruppe             : For families

Mechanismen         : Find sets of cards



Abstract topic

Good training for observation and shape discerning

Minimal package



Set and other set-forming games with cards


Zufall                            1

Taktik                  3

Strategie__                  1





Interaktion                   2

