

This game is published to celebrate the 20 Year jubilee of Adlung Spiele. Players are asked to add attractions to a Fair ground, thereby the must pay attention to building costs, pay insurance, consider possible risks and the influence of other attractions in the neighborhood. The cards show an attraction and symbols for the risks of waiting time, maintenance and anxiety on the park side, the info side repeats the symbols and states the building costs and the income from this attraction. In your turn you can either acquire a card or build an attraction. If you must take a risk card for building this influences later building. When the end of the game is reached according to the rules, the richest player wins the game.


Card game * 2-4 players, ages 10 and up * Designer: Silvano Sorrentino * Art: Claudia Flor * ca. 45 min* 101011, Adlung, Germany, 2010 *** Adlung Spiele *