Wie Waldi!


For each round everybody shuffles his cards and forms three stacks of 10 cards face down without looking at them. All players simultaneously take up one stack and begin to lay out dogs, starting with a head. Middle and behinds are added when the colour of the blanket corresponds. Players can change stacks, but not intermix them. A finished dog is marked by the player adding the behind, when a player has used his last marker, the round ends. A dog with a cat at its behind is given to the player owning the behind card, a dog without cat goes to the owner of the head, then players receive bones corresponding to the number of cards collected. After the third round the player with the majority of bone-points wins.


Card placement game * 2-4 players from age 7 * Designer: Oliver Igelhaut * Graphics: Christof Tisch * 6054, Abacus, Germany, 2005 * Abacusspiele Verlags KG * www.abacusspiele.de * as@abacussspiele.de