Velo City


You lead a team of bicycle dispatch riders in a race. The track shows general squares, maintenance squares with vitamin drinks and obstacle squares that send the rider back. You can ride solo or in a bunch. If you go solo you decide on one of your dispatchers after rolling the dice. If you ride in a bunch, you must decide before rolling on one of your dispatchers on a square with a minimum of one opposing dispatcher. Vitamin drinks give you an additional die, and you can also use slipstream riding. When 8 dispatchers have crossed the finishing line, you win if you have most dispatchers there.


Bicycle racing game for 3-7 players, ages 8 and up * Designer: Kevin G. Nunn * Art: Harald Lieske, Christian Fiore * ca. 45 Minuten * 03010, Abacus, Germany, 2010 * Abacusspiele Verlags KG *