

Pizza Monsters

Monster loves pineapple


Each player has eight pizza slices of the same backside color and combines them into two pizzas, one with birds at the back and one with mice at the back, set out toppings side up. In turn, you draw an order from the bag and set it down or put it back; in case you but it back, you draw a second order and must set it out. Now, each player can feed the monster in the box with a slice from one of his pizzas with a topping matching the topping on the order. If you feed the monster with the last slice of one of your pizzas, you take a chef’s hat and take any four pizza slices from the box for a new pizza. If you take the fourth chef’s hat, you win; there might be more than one winner!

In versions, you may combine your pizzas as you like at the start or must draw face-down slices for a new pizza or need only two chef’s hats to win - in this case you don’t draw slices for a new pizza - or you can keep on playing till one player hast most chef’s hat if there were several players having collected four chef’s hats.

In a Bonus game, all pizza slices are heaped face-down on the table; the active player draws an order and puts it down. Then all search the heap simultaneously for a slice with an ingredient matching the order. If you found it, you quickly put your hand on the order - a correct slice wins you a chef’s hat and you turn over all pizza slices to the back-side again. Again, you win with four chef’s hats. In all versions, there are joker orders for with special rules applying to them.

Pizza Monsters is a very nice shedding game, feeding the monster is child‘s play, but also a good family game, it is simply fun in all versions.


Players: 2-8

Age: 5+

Time: 30+

Designer: Michael Schacht

Artist: Christian Fiore, Main/Design

Price: ca. 20 Euro

Publisher: Abacusspiele 2018


Genre: Shedding

Users: For families

Special: Many players

Version: multi

Rules: de en

In-game text: no



Works well both as game for children and for families

Attractive design

Very simple rules

Good versions

Includes bonus game


Compares to:

All shedding games


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 1

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 1

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0