Number tiles 0 to 9 must be placed for points, adjacent or on top of each other; you play with your own display. In a turn one number card 0ö9 is revealed. You take this tile and add it to the display: In the lowest level, with at least one side of a square adjacent to another tile; in higher levels, always across two tiles of the lower level, without covering of gaps or overreaching the lower level. You can place tiles at any time in any level.  After 20 rounds, you score number x level - numbers in level 0 are always worth zero points! - and win with most points.

NMBR9++ features new number tiles and number cards for a game with five and six players, and also three expansion modules: New starting tiles for individual starting configurations – Gap fillers size 1 and 2 – Breaking Rules, offering once-only use of two special tiles. There are also two variants: 2 aus 3 – you select two of three cards to place numbers and reject one card; Level to Level – in turn, discard piles are activated to draw additional number cards for a turn; the level markers also tell you up to which level you can place a number tile.


Expansion for the number tile placement game for 1-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Abacusspiele 2024

Designer: Peter Wichmann

Artist: Fiore GmbH

Web: www.abacusspiele.de

Stock#: 04221


Users: For families

Special: 1 player


Version: multi * Rules: de en * In-game text: no