Neue Welten
Many Weeping willows suffer from ….
… Haute Couture?
One of the players in turn is „das Individuum das erläutert“ or “the indiviuum who does the explaining“, shortened to Idewedwes, to simplify matters, say the rules!
Idewedwes turns up one of 55 Meine-Welt cards and reads the text to all other players, who now choose from their ES-cards – they did receive 12 of those – one that fits the read-out sentence as ideally as possible and place it face down. When all players have made their choice one card is added from the stack and all are shuffled. Now Idewedwes reads out his „Meine Welt“ card again inserting all definitions from the ES cards in turn. Then he alone decides which of the definitions chosen by the players fits best. He is asked to comment his choice and give reasons, the other players are allowed to make comments, but may not push their cards openly. When Idewedwes chooses the definition stated on an ES card of a player, this player wins the round and receives the „Meine Welt“ card from Idewedwes. But if Idewedwes happens to choose the definition from the stack card, he loses a point and must be Idewedwes again for the next round.
If you collect a pre-set number of cards = victory points depending on the number of players, you win the game. Some cards are specific for Germany, Austria or Switzerland and apply according to the nationality of the players. Neue Welt can be played stand-alone or as an expansion for „Wie ich die Welt sehe”, in case of 6 or more players you must use both games together. Funny, creative and communicative – what more do you want? And a seemingly impossible word could just be right for
Spieler : 3-5
Alter : ages 10 and up
Dauer : ca. 30 min
Autor : Urs Hostettler
Grafik : Res Brandenberger
Titel englisch : -
Preis : ca. 20,00 Euro
Verlag : Abacusspiele 2010
Genre : Party and communication game
Zielgruppe : With friends
Mechanismen : choose best definition, score when yours is chosen
Stand-alone Game or expansion for „Wie ich die Welt sehe“
Only for fans of the genre
Gives explanations for some of the words used
Wie ich die Welt sehe, Apples to Apples and others
Zufall 2
Kreativität 3
Kommunikation 2
Interaktion 2