Kai Piranja


160 cards are shuffled face down on the table. In his move a player must turn up a card with fish on the back, the front shows a fish, either small and sated, big and sated or middle size and hungry. A sated fish is taken, when the new fish and the last fish in one’s row have at least one characteristic in common. If the fish cannot be placed he is handed on from player to player till it fits. The active player can go on uncovering or stop and secure his catch or just stop. A hungry fish eats up the catch of a player starting from the right hand end until he reaches a fish of the same kind. His loot and the hungry fish itself turn into the fat fish on the table and can be caught by special rules, If only cards without fish are on the table and a hungry fish is uncovered the game ends. The player with the most fish cards wins.


Card game * 3-6 players from age 6 * Designer: Oliver Igelhaut * ca. 15 min * 6042, Abacus, Germany, 2004 *** Abacusspiele Verlags KG * www.abacusspiele.de * as@abacussspiele.de