

You establish fiefdoms in all of Europe to claim harbours and towns while also accomplishing secret missions. You draw a fief card and then secretly choose a region card and an action card. Part of your fief must be situated in the chosen region. The action card determines whether you must play the fief on a town or a harbour or both or on open land. With an alliance card you can place individual fiefdom-rings, even on already claimed fiefs. You score for three harbours in a sea, for covering towns and harbours or for donating your fief to the church. At the end of the game the secret missions are revealed and scored.


A game of placement for 2-4 players, ages 8 and up * Designer: Guglielmo Duccoli * Art: Alberto Bontempi * ca. 60 min * 33091, Abacus / DV Games, Germany, 2009 * Abacusspiele Verlags KG * www.abacusspiele.de * www.davincigames.com