
10 Jahre Jubiläumsausgabe


Players in turn draw a card from the pile and place it in one of the rows, maximum three cards in a row, or take a card, quit for the round and lay down the cards, sorted by color. When all rows have been taken a new round begins. When “Last Round” appears the round is completed and then the game is scored: Jokers you collected are assigned to a color and you score three colors and bonus cards for points, cards of additional colors that you have laid out score negative points. You win with the highest total of points. New edition for the 10 Year Anniversary, featuring a new design and an additional rule for a Golden Joker.


Card collecting game for 3-5 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Abacusspiele 2013

Designer: Michael Schacht

Art: Oksana Svistun


Stock Nr. 08132


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: cn de dk en es fi fr gr it kr lt lv et nl no pl pt ru se sk  * In-game text: no