Rummy version, using a deck of standard rummy / bridge cards, which carry, besides number and suit symbols, also a letter. You form groups of minimum three cards of the same value, straight of four or more cards of a color and also words, and put down the cards; additional cards can be placed in groups already on the table, if placed in displays of other player they are scored at the end for those players. There are templates for seven stages of combinations; if you are first to put down such a combination, you receive a bonus. You can only lay out combinations corresponding to one of the seven stages. The open card from the discard pile can be taken and discard another one, or you offer that card to other players; if one takes up the offer, they also draw a card from the draw pile. If you are out of cards, the round ends and all score their cards on the table; cards in hand are penalty points. After seven rounds you win with most points.
Series: Gamette
Card game for 3-6 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing = 3M, 1969/70
Users: For families
Version: en * Rules: de en * In-game text: no