

An abstract game despite the naval topic, with a different goal for each player – Gold must get his flagship to the edge of the 11x11 board, Silver must capture the Gold flagship before it reaches an edge. Gold places the flagship in the middle of the board and his other pieces in the inner 5x5 grid, around the flagship, as he likes. 20 places 20 pieces in the outer three rings, again at his choice. The active player either does a capture move with any piece, even the flagship, diagonally in any direction, or move either the flagship or any two pieces in a non-capture move, orthogonally over any number of empty slots.

Series: Bookshelf


Abstract position game for 2 players, age given as „adults or children“


Publisher: Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing = 3M 1965

Designer: Alex Randolph

Stock #: 180


Users: With friends

Special: 2 players


Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: no