10 exchange rate cards show rates for colors; five rates on a card for exchanging gems of the same colors, for instance 1 green + 1 white = 1 yellow + 1 green + 1 blue. For a game, you draw two of those cards. Goods cards show colored dots in various combinations, with or without a star icon. Those cards are stacked and must be acquired by players. In your turn, you can either roll a die and take the gem of that color from stock (* lets you choose a color) or exchange gems from your stock with gems from general stock according to one of the exchange rates on the two cards and afterwards, if applicable, buy a card from one of the stacks. You want to buy with as few left-over gems as possible, as you earn more points the fewer left-over gems there are. At the end of your turn, you must not have more than ten gems. Stars on the cards enhance their value.
Original edition
Exchange rate and combinations game for 2-6 players, no age given
Publisher: Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing = 3M 1968
Designer: Sid Sackson
Users: For families
Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: no