

Game classic with a long tradition, with varying names and rules. Each player moves 15 pieces, starting from given positions, along 24 slots and then out of the board when the home area is reached. Two dice determine movement options for two pieces or for the same piece, twice, the results CANNOT be added. Opposing single pieces can be captured and thus forced to start again; two pieces of a player in a slot are safe. First standardized rules by Edmund Hoyle, the Doubling Dice was introduced in New York in the 1920ties.


Tactical dice game for 2 players, age not given for that edition, in general 8+


Publisher: Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing = 3M 1973

Designer: Classic game

Cover: Willem Cornelisz Duyster

Stock #: 6029


Users: With friends, for families

Special: 2 players


Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: no