Fast Forward: Furcht
Fast Forward is a series of games, based on the new Fable concept. Games using the Fable concept feature pre-sorted stacks of cards, which are used according to the individual game and introduce all cards and rules in several games, played one after the other. You can interrupt play, continue at any time or begin again with another group of players. In Fast Forward Games, you do not read any rules at all, but begin to play from the first card on. Furcht asks the question: Are you afraid of ghosts or will you confront danger and frighten your opponents in a fast and simple game?
Fast Forward game for 2-5 players, ages 8+
Publisher: 2F-Spiele 2017
Designer: Friedemann Friese
Art: Harald Lieske
Stock#: 26.10.01
Users: For families
Version: de * Rules: de en es fr nl * In-game text: yes