Funkenschlag recharged Erweiterung Benelux / Zentraleuropa


Central Europe: Raw material market and support are lopsided due to the large coal mines in Poland. Austria and Poland do not use atomic energy, only players whose grid touches other countries can use atomic energy. Vienna has special status due to burning garbage for energy, grids containing Vienna earn reduced prices on garbage.

Benelux – Countries intensify support of ecological power stations, the focus is on oil and gas, connection costs are low and smallest power stations are taken out of service fastest.

Only playable with the basic game.

New “recharged” edition, 1st edition 2006


2nd xpansion for Funkenschlag for 2-6 players, ages 12+


Publisher: 2F-Spiele 2021

Designer: Friedemann Friese

Art: Lars-Arne Maura Kalusky


Stock #: 30.06.01


User: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de en zh * In-game text: yes