

Feiner Sand

Build sand castles, demolish deck


To compete for the best sand castle, you use cards in your deck to build those castles and to demolish your deck. You begin with six cards; color coded cards give actions when built: Green – draw +1 card; Red – build +1 card; Blue – draw +1 card instead of building. Purple – hold +1 card. Sand castle are built, coin cards pay for card building; cards used for payment go to your own discard pile.

All play simultaneously; you begin your turn by putting your marker disc into the middle of the table; then you resolve the phases of 1. Draw cards; 2. Build or draw cards, and 3. Check card limit. Cards for actions are built, sorted by color, beneath your board and paid for with coin cards or other hand cards. Sand castles are built above your board for free. As an additional action you can, once per turn, “gift” a card to your left neighbor by placing it on the symbol card to your left. If you are done with all phases, you take back your marker disc.

When all have completed their turn, all symbol cards are checked: If minimum one card is on every symbol card, each player takes on card from the symbol card to his right for his discard pile. If minimum one symbol card is empty, all gifted cards remain on the symbol cards. When your own draw pile and discard pile are empty, you win with fewest unused cards.

The game comes with the option of playing a fable campaign in which three new fable cards are introduced in each game.

Deck building mechanisms used for deck demolition – a witty and well-working new interpretation of a familiar mechanism, supplemented by the fable principle of extending option by introducing new cards in every game.


Players: 1-4

Age: 10+

Time: 30+

Designer: Friedemann Friese

Artist: Harald Lieske

Price: ca. 28 Euro

Publisher: 2F-Spiele 2018


Genre: Cards, deck demolition

Users: With friends

Special: 1 player

Version: de

Rules: de en es fr jp

In-game text: no



Reversed deck building

Nice mix of standard mechanisms

Rather abstract despite topic


Compares to:

Fabelsaft and other games in the Fable series


Other editions:

Arclight (jp), Edge Entertainment (fr, es), Stronghold (en)


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 1

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0