Fabelsaft Die Limetten-Erweiterung


A game about fruits for fabled juices would not be complete without green fruits being featured in the game. Therefore, this expansion introduces 20 new locations, some thrilling betting tiles, a mysterious invisibility cloak and, of course, 15 fruit cards of green limes. For a game, you use cards from the core game and the cards of the expansion; you play with 24 locations on display and you use the rules from the core game and the rules of the new locations. Location #10L introduces the invisibility cloak; if you own it, you can place yourself next to other player markers or the thief without having to hand over fruits.


Expansion for Fabelsaft for 2-6 players, ages 8+


Publisher: 2F-Spiele 2017

Designer: Friedemann Friese

Artist: Harald Lieske

Web: www.2f-spiele.de

Stock#: 26.10.05


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de en fr nl * In-game text: yes