Ludosophers in a far-away galaxy have created 504 worlds for a modular game system. From nine modules - Pick up & Deliver, Race, Privileges, Military, Exploration, Roads, Majorities, Production and Shares - you choose three for a game. You turn to the corresponding pages in the Book of Worlds to learn the details and rules for the game in the chosen world. All worlds use a map, most worlds have residents; the modules determine starting position, starting money, victory condition etc. There are race games (World 253) or the World of Combative Explorers (456) and so on. If you play worlds 123, 456 and 789, you have experienced each module once.


Modular game collection for 2-4 players, ages 12+


Publisher: 2F-Spiele 2015

Designer: Friedemann Friese

Artist: Harald Lieske

Web: www.2f-spiele.de

Stock#: 24.10.01


Users: For experts


Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: yes